Friday, November 3, 2006

The Little Black Dress

I've never owned a "little black dress" before, but I just bought one. It made me start thinking, why does every woman (and or girl) want that "little black dress"?
Well, I started out looking for a black dress....not necessarily a "little" one. For Sadie's we have a "Vintage Hollywood" Theme, and so we bought the guys little top hats for the pictures. We are going to have them wear dark sunday clothes, and so I thought that a black dress would both fit the color scheme, and the "vintage" theme. (Wow. That rhymed.) I had no idea what I was looking for as far as a dress was concerned, because not only did I have NO idea what to look for, but I also didn't want to spend a bazillion dollars on it. Well, my mom and I went to the mall, and all of the dresses were a tad revealing....just a tad. Ha! I don't think I could have kept some of them on me let alone felt comfortable in them! Besides, I really don't think the whole "farmer's tan" I've got going on would look good in a dress with no sleeves. How tacky. I ended up going into a store called Urban Wear. I looked up and was completely shocked to see dresses with sleeves!!!! I was excited. I found a couple of black dresses and went to try them on. Well, for some odd reason, my favorite was...(drum roll)....the little black dress. And even better, it was only $32!
Well, in case a few of you gentlemen didn't know what makes a dress the little black dress, I'll briefly brief you. It is short, cute, and completely shows off your legs!
I suppose the primary reason I got that dress was because I needed a dress for Sadies. I'm sure everybody that gets a little black dress has a similar purpose. They aren't going to let it just dangle in their closet. That would be a huge waste. There still remains the fact that I did get the little black dress instead of a regular dress. I'm only human. What can I say? It looked cute on me! It made my legs look fantastic, and yet, I'll still be modest, comfortable, and not excessively self conscious! Besides, I'll be able to use it time and time again, for after all, it is a little black dress.
Bottom line, girls like to look good! They like just being a girl somtimes. We all do! (Well, hopefully all the girls do.) I'll admit it, I'm a flirt, and so are many other girls.....many other girls. =D The Little Black Dress allows us to be a girl, and we love it! That's why the little black dress has withstood the test of time, and will always remain a favorite in every woman's wardrobe.

1 comment:

Jill said...

My very first boss had a great little black dress. She taught me a lot, but the main thing I remember (from 25 years ago) was that a woman should always have a little black dress to throw on, and also a fantastic pair of shoes that cost more than a week's salary - you just don't buy any more shoes - just wear the great ones til they fall apart, and then start all over again.