Saturday, February 3, 2007

How could I NOT like him?

How could I not like him?
  • He is always complimenting me. Not only does he compliment me when it's just us, but it's just in his nature for him to compliment me in front of other people too. He doesn't just throw out superficial compliments either. His compliments are always meaningful, sincere, and perfect. I usually have a hard time accepting compliments but for some reason when he compliments me, I accept them. I do it because they strike a different chord when they are coming from a boy you care about as opposed to, say, a Young Women's leader. They make me feel so special. I love the feeling you get when someone who isn't responsible for caring about you, does of their own free will.
  • He treats me like a princess. He lets me know that I'm special, and that makes me want to be the best I can.
  • He proves that chivalry is still alive: Holding doors open, walking nearest to the street, and taking the initiative. True Gentlemen are hard to find these days, but I've found one.
  • He likes me for who I am, not what. We met in seminary. You get to know people better in seminary than you do almost any other class. In such a religious setting it doesn't matter how academically smart you are. It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, black or white; it doesn't matter if you are struggling at life, or if you are fortunate enough not to be. Everyone is on equal ground, and your true soul is exposed. Feeling the spirit together is one of the strongest bonding experiences there is. He knows me (and he likes me anyway!)
  • He doesn't indimidate me, and he doesn't expect me to be lesser than him because I'm the girl.
  • I trust him. He wouldn't ever do anything that would hurt me.

and finally,

  • He liked me first. He was patient while I came around to my senses. While I was flitting around liking a different guy each week because they smiled at me, or flirted with me once, or did something cute, he was there the whole time like a treasure waiting to be discovered.

How could I not like him?


collinhead said...

Awwwwww!! Sounds like a keeper!

Anonymous said...

nice double negative at the end. . . it adds a little suspense. I figgure since you read my blog i could return the favor.

Lindsay said...

Oops! Thanks Andrew! I didn't mean to do that. I'll fix it now. =D

FiddleWiz said...

Lindsay it is so true, so true!!

Lindsay said...

=D I know. I love it! And, just in time for Valentines day! Tee hee hee! ;-)

Holly said...

Oh Lindsay you're head over heels and it's so cute!

Anonymous said...

Lindsay, 1st of all you should not have given your blog info to family. 2nd, WHO is this guy??