Thursday, March 15, 2007

He wanted my phone number?

Okay, so I don't really have the time (or the energy for that matter) to analyze something deep and profound today, so I'm not going to. Hooray. I'm going to ask a simple question (you've probably guessed it if you read the title) and then try to answer it as concisely as possible.

Last night I was at a practice for an ensemble I'm in. We're singing at the morningside for seminary tomorrow. I got there the same time another boy did and we sat down on the couch together and since we ended up waiting about a half an hour for everybody to show up, we had a fun conversation. We practiced the song, and afterwards he walked me to my car. Well, before I knew it we were talking out at my car and we ended up talking for about 20 minutes. Before we parted ways he asked me for my phone number. When he asked me I totally FROZE and couldn't remember it! I'm serious! (You can tell I'm not too experienced in this sort of thing can't you?!) I finally remembered it, gave it to him, and then we said goodbye (nothing happened, don't worry) and left.

I'll be honest, I was flattered when he walked me to my car and then pretty shocked when he asked me for my number. As I've thought about it I've really started to wonder why in the world he asked me for my number. Here are the conclusions I've come up with. You can make your own judgement.
  1. He was being nice..... that seems like the most likely, but I really can't figure out why he would go to all that effort just to be nice.
  2. Maybe, just maybe he might like me a little. I'm not counting on that though.
  3. Last, but not least, he may have lost his own. =D Just kidding.

I really don't know what to think about all that, but oh well. It was easy to analyze briefly.

Interesting enough, even though he is very nice and attractive, I have someone else in mind that I really hope will ask me to prom....(my math class should know who he is. =D) I don't know why, but that's another topic for another day.

Oh, and an update for anbody who cares. I got my car fixed and I get to keep it! Hooray!

The end.


FiddleWiz said...

Lindsay you're so cute! I agree with reason numero dos (that he likes you) because you attract boys like nothing else! And yes, we will work on he-who-must-not-be-named-who-is-in-our-math class!! He'd BETTER ask you to prom!! Love ya chica!

Lindsay said...

Well, I don't know which one I agree with...I rather like "he asked me for my phone number because he lost his own..." reason. =D Yeah...if I "attract boys like nothing else" why is it that I don't get asked on dates!? Sheesh! Anyway....yes, I really hope that "he-who-must-not-be-named-who-is-in-our-math class" asks me to prom, but I don't want to like, pressure him into it or anything. I wouldn't want him to feel like he HAD to take me...that wouldn't be any fun for him. (But, if he DID ask me he'd get half off because I'm on prom comittee! lol) But yes, I do like him...he is very nice and he always makes me smile and he knows how to make me laugh!
Hmmm...I wonder if it's weird to leave comments on my own blog. =D

Holly said...

You are so cute, I love it. If he doesn't ask you to Prom then I might just have to take this kid out j.k.