Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I'm the Queen of New York!

I was in New York last week for Choir tour. (We took 3rd in the nation...hoot hoot. =D) These are some of the pictures I took on this once in a lifetime experience! I couldn't put all my pictures on my blog....I only took 650 of them. =D Hooray for big memory cards! Yes, I did take all of these pictures myself...that is, all but the ones I'm in, but none of them are off the internet or postcards. Enjoy!
View of NY from Liberty Island

Manhattan Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge

View from the lookout deck at the Statue of Liberty

Todd, Andrew, Braden and Me at airport waiting to fly out!

I bet you'll have a hard time guessing what this is. =D

Welcome to New York City

I'm not altogether sure what these buildings are...okay, I have no clue what they are, but they really are beautiful silhouetted against the bright sky.

It never ceased to amaze me how huge NY really is. The tall buildings never ended!

My group found a "Web-Cam" and we stood in front of it. We called our parents and they were able to go on the internet and look at us live from NY. My dad took this picture. I'm the one in the dark red jacket.

Me, Holly, Hannah, and Cassie on our "farewell to NY" carriage ride around Central Park.

I took this picture from inside the carriage. Taxis were EVERYWHERE!

A view looking out of Central Park.

How could I resist getting my picture taken in front of a store with my last name? =D I didn't notice until afterwards that my skirt had twisted all around and the side seam was down the front. =D Oh well..

The beautiful Manhattan Temple where we also went to church on Sunday.

My UN tour group. Most of them were very apathetic about the whole tour, but a few of us were really interested! When I got there I was tired (we walked the entire way there) and so a bunch of us sat down in the lobby on the floor. They yelled at us. Don't ask me why. Oh well. We stood outside the door as the security council discussed the sanctions in Iran. How cool is that?! My camera battery died, so this was the only picture I got.

I couldn't leave NY without eating at least one Hot Dog from a street vendor! I ended up getting this one (with carmelized onions) in china town, and then another one with ketchup and mustard on 5th avenue. I also got a pretzel. Delicious!

The JKF airport didn't have mens bathrooms...only womens and unisex....Sorry boys! (Hey, it is one way of taking care of the extremely long womens' lines compared to the absence of lines for the mens bathroom!)

So, I was up on the 86th floor look-out at the Empire State Building, and just by coincidence I looked down and saw my name in grafitti! I thought it was hilarious, so I took a, I didn't write it. I have no idea who "Mat" is.

Mrs Mathews, me, Holly, Tana, and Cassie atop the Empire state Building. Luckily, King Kong wasn't there that day. =D Just kidding.

One of the many spectacular views from the Empire State Building.

The Empire State Building. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I thought this was such a cool picture that it's now the desktop for my computer.

The Rockefeller Center

Ha ha ha.....this is me singing along with a song in Planet Hollywood. What a Kodak Moment. (Thanks Sami. =D)

Times Square. (See the "swatch" store on the left? It's a really expensive watch store. We went inside just for kicks. It was decorated really cool, so I took a picture of it. Just as I did a guy came over and started yelling at me....oh well. =D I still got the picture.)

NY at night. It's really is pretty scary.

Oh. That's cool! I forgot I took such cool pictures! (Hooray for cameras that are smarter than their owners!)

I liked taking pictures looking down streets. Problem was, most of them wer from a bus window so they were either really crooked or blurry. This one turned out well because I wasn't in a bus moving 35 imles an hour. Imagine that.

Me and Ol' Georgie crossing the Delaware in the Manhattan Museum of Art.

These buildings weren't only tall, they were GARGANTUOUS!

Mr Rich with Black skin.....(The English teacher at the Performing Highschool we went to. They were so similar it was scary!)


Bugler921 said...

Sweet pictures!!! I'm so glad you had the time of your life. I've got to go to New York some day! That'd be pretty much awesome. Go choir! Way to represent MV and Utah!

FiddleWiz said...

That is SO COOL, Lindsay!!! Those pictures are AMAZING and I'm so jealous (in a loving way of course!) that you got to go to NW! Some of those photos are totally pro! That's amazing, and I'm so glad you had so much fun!!! Lucky me, I get to go to the far away and adventurous Price, Blanding, and Moab, UT for orchestra tour..... while the band geeks all have fun in Anaheim. Oh well I'm looking forward to it!!! <3 ya bunches!!! /brit

FiddleWiz said...

Whoops I put NW instead of NY. I'm such a nerd!

Holly said...

I can't believe we were there just a week ago it's crazy. You are such a wonderful photographer I just can't wait to get a CD of pictures by you because let me tell you they're much better than mine. Love ya!