Friday, March 2, 2007

Power, Passion, Focus

Power: great or marked ability to do or act; capability of doing or accomplishing something.

Passion: any powerful, compelling, or intense emotion or feeling.

Focus: Close or narrow attention; concentration; center, heart, core, nucleus.

These three words, Power, Passion, and Focus, are the theme words of our A'Cappella choir this year. They are what we want to become. In preparing to go to New York on tour in a few weeks we have been working especially hard, long hours on our few numbers. From an outsider's point of view it doesn't seem like anything could be worth the time or effort we're putting into this. Quite the contrary. We are amazing. We are worth every ounce of extra effort, because our potential is limitless. We are doing something great.
There aren't going to be many times in your life that you can say you were part of something great. The experience I believe we are all having in this choir setting is one of those times. Everybody in there has to have the same driving passion and focus for what we are trying to accomplish, or else the power we are striving for will falter. It's such a wonderful thing to be able to go into that classroom, and watch 130 highschool kids become something so much more. You can honestly tell the difference when we're all focusing and working our hardest to become the best we can be. We have accomplished a quality of music that few highschool choirs could ever dream to accomplish.
As we embark on what to many is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, we are going to be achieving something remarkable. I was reading a friend's blog and he mentioned something he was told that inspired not only him, but me. He wrote, "we perform not to impress, but to express." That is what we're achieving. We are becoming the music. We are learning of it's power, feeling of it's passion, and we are learning what it is to have the focus it takes to accomplish all this.
Power, Passion, and Focus. We have it, we feel it, and we are becoming it. Now, as we begin another chapter in our greatness, we will perform not to impress, but to express; to express our power, our passion, and our focus.


Lindsay said...

note to self: picture attract attention. =D just kidding. I just thought I'd leave a comment before ANYBODY else!

Anonymous said...

forgive me if i think our 3 words are wayyy cheasy. . . but i do think our choirs got some serious potential, im excited to blow everyone out of the water in NY. We've improved so much, and we can only do better!

Lindsay said...

Yes, the words might be cheesy, but the idea is still good! I'm SO EXCITED FOR NY! WE'RE GOING TO ROCK!!!!

Noelle said...

You guys will be awesome. Show NY what you're made of!

Anonymous said...
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Holly said...

I had never thought about analyzing our words in choir. You really did a good job, they may be cheesy but I really think if all of us apply them we'll do great things.