Saturday, April 7, 2007

The fine art of multi-thinking (a close relative to multi tasking.)

I went running today partially to destress, partially because it feels like a waste of my day being inside on such a nice day, and also because I go running. Imagine that. As I was running I was listening to my ipod but my mind was also thinking of other things. I'm a girl, so it is possible to multi-task and/or think. These are a few things I was thinking about.
1. I wondered if I'd see Kevyn out there. He plays tennis and he runs, and since it was such a nice day I wondered if I'd see him.
2. That lead my mind to prom. (I wonder why...=D) I started thinking about how I really hope I get asked to prom, how I hope I get asked by a certain person (that I may or may not have mentioned already in this blog), how I really hope that all my friends get asked to prom, and I really hope prom turns out well. (I thought about that last one because I'm on prom committee)
3. Thinking about prom easily lead my thoughts to the prom dress I have in mind if I get asked. It's so cute! It's modest, so that's a HUGE plus for me and hopefully for any potential date. I like it a lot because it's not a HUGE cinderella dress. It goes down right below the knees, and it's not huge and poofy and extravagant. It's simple, but classy, and I think it fits my personality much better than an outrageous ball gown would.
4. In thinking about this dress, I started thinking about my shoulders....I know this sounds silly, but I'll explain. Just because it's the way things happen for me, I always have a farmer's line going on my arms. I never wear shirts without sleeves, so I naturally have a line there. With all the time I've been spending outside lately it's gotten more pronounced. I started thinking about a little white sundress that I have at home, and how it's sleeves don't quite go down to the line. They only land about a centimeter above it, but that's enough to be able to tell!
5. That prompted me to pull up my sleeves a little bit so that hopefully my distinct line will start to blend in a little bit, in the circumstance that my potential prom dress's sleeves are the same as my white dress
6. As I was thinking about tan lines, I realized that my ipod and the band that was on my bicep of my left arm would definitely cause a line if I got too much sun on the rest of my arm. I promptly took it off and carried it in my hand.
7. I then started hoping that my sunglasses wouldn't make a line on my nose, but I didn't want to take them off too because then I would burn my eyes out.
8. Meanwhile, I'm still thinking about prom, because it's on my mind a lot these days....(like I said, girls can do things like that.)
9. Whenever a song would transition into another song on my ipod there is a little bit of silence in between, and I became increasingly aware of my breathing pattern. By this time I had been running for probably a half an hour or so, so my breathing was a little bit heavier. I noticed that I breath in on two steps, out on one. In on two-out on one. I remembered back to the time I learned to do that. It's so that you are evenly distributing your oxygen intake (or something along those lines) and evenly distributing the work between the muscles on both sides of your abdomen, so you don't get cramps or side-aches.
10. By this time I was about done running so I walked about a mile. In that mile I was thinking about how red my face was. I get red SO easily, especially when I work out. When cars would pass or I would pass people, I hoped that they didn't think I was that red and winded from simply walking. That would be sad.
11. I went and stretched, and started thinking about how surprised I was that I didn't see anybody I knew. I usually do around the rec center.
12. I got in the car, took a drink of my water, rolled down the windows, and started for home. Even while singing near the top of my lungs to some of my favorite songs, I was still thinking about prom, boys, my shoulders, my red face, and was still able to drive alertly and reach home safely.

There is actually a medical reason that girls can do this. The corpus collosum is the part of your brain that connects the right and the left halves. Girls naturally have more nerve connections than boys do, so we are biologically better at multi-tasking, and in this case, multi-thinking.

I love being a girl.


Chlorine Addict said...

Are we talking Kevyn Hale here? And what is this sexism? It's like you're making women sound like they were Asian (therefore superior) or something.

Holly said...

Okay I laughed the whole way through. It was like going with you through all your mind changes, I loved it great way to write a blog, I don't think I realized how much I think about when I go running I'll have to pay attention next time. Anyway I hope that certain person asks you to prom and other certain people ask our other friends. I so badly want all of you to go I don't know what I'll do if you all don't get asked. Oh and I'll have to see you're gorgeous prom dress soon it sounds cute. Sorry that was a long comment. Love ya!

Lindsay said...

Yes Mark...I was talking about Kevyn Hale... you're a good guesser. =D Oh, and women ARE Superior! Just kidding... I just don't know how it is to be a boy I suppose...nor will I ever, so I might as well like being a girl better!

Holly...I'm glad you laughed. =D I like those kind of blogs the best. I hope a certain person asks me to prom too, but it's too bad he doesn't read my blogs. It's my own fault of course because I've never told him my blog info, but I'm too shy I suppose...even though I'm not shy. ;-) Oh, the complicated mind of a girl...hence this blog.

Bzola said...
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Chlorine Addict said...

Well, maybe I'm just Asian or something, but I don't have such a hard time multitasking. I'll be singing, thinking, and swimming all at the same time. And Brandon, just suck it up and ask. I believe in you. How can a girl really say no to someone with the last name "Ezola?"

Lindsay said...

Mark, I would PAY to see you sing and swim at the same time...but you're Mark. Of COURSE you're able to multi-task. You're a genius. Oh, and I replied to Brandon on his own blog, but you should check it out too Mark. Nobody's going to say no to you guys unless they've already been asked, which is MORE insentive to ask soon! (A month in advance is the most polite time frame for all us lucky girls that have to buy a dress and find shoes AND get accessories! Lol...)

FiddleWiz said...

Lindsay that is SO awesome!!! :) Hmm, this might give me courage to analyze the whole Prom thing, eh? :D If "Black Cherry Soda" would ever get the hint.... not that I'm dropping any... ok I'm dropping a big one here but I doubt he'll see it and he won't even know who he is. I'm so confusing!!! Haha!! I just hope we both get asked by the guys that we want... *giggle*

Lindsay said...

You know what's really funny about all this...I'm leaving more comments on my blogs than other people
I heard some hopefull news for us girls today brittany... I heard that most guys aren't planning on asking until we get back from spring break. That's mildly reassuring. =D Just kidding. well, even if you don't analyze the black cherry soda deal on your blog, we sure analyze it to death in our emails! Lol

Bzola said...
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Lindsay said...
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Bzola said...
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Lindsay said...
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Bzola said...
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omarie said...
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omarie said...

Okay, since when has Brandon become the relationship expert?
- a baffled and confused marie :)

Bzola said...
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Lindsay said...
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Lindsay said...
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Anonymous said...
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Dancing Feet said...

By the way Mark is only HALF Asian. Imagine if he was a full-blown one! Then we would never hear the end of it !!!

Lindsay, I hope you get asked. Brandon you're not exactly the best relationship expert, and I agree with Marie. I want to see your dress Lindsay!!!

Bzola said...
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Lindsay said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh my! you're on pro committee??? scary thought!