Saturday, April 14, 2007



I had my hair pulled bakc half way, and then my hat on. Why didn't somebody tell me it looked like a mullet? Ha ha ha. Oh well. =D

Okay, explanation time: we wanted a picture that looked like we were diving into the pond. Unfortunately, this is a very bad angle, and it doesn't look right. We were, in reality, about 1 foot apart...not touching at all. =D

The end.


FiddleWiz said...

I like that last picture, Lindsay!!!! :D Yeah there are like five of me and Matt doing the same thing from different angles.... HEHEHEHE!!!!! Which was cool cuz it was his idea... it was cute! And then of course all the other stuff I told you about... :) which was so incredibly cute and made me all giddy!!! I just don't know what to think of it all!! But hey, it was good and I'm glad everything turned out the way it did! We'll see what decides to happen in the future.....

Holly said...

Wow, I can tell you guys had a blast, those pictures are so cute. But you'll still have to fill me in on all the details on monday because I'm sure there is much to tell. J.K. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!! MORP WAS SO MUCH FUN! I am glad that we got the group worked out because it was a BLAST!

Anonymous said...
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dr.scholl said...

Holy Moley! Who is that freakin' HOT guy???? Boy he is so cute! Lindsay, where on earth did you find him???????????

P.S. You gotta try sushi! It's almost as good as that guy is!!!!

Lindsay said...

Tell me about it! I wonder how I got so lucky! =D Well, I think I remember having math with someone that looked like him.....but I'm not sure! This guy looks like he fell right out of an old western movie! (You really were the best dressed one there!!!)

Bzola said...

I totally agree with Dr.Scholl! Sushi is almost as good as “that guy”, but it is a little better. (JK, Nate you’re my hero:) That looked like an awesome date! Nate, I’m proud of you man, you finally let other people see your true goofy side! Way to go!

Lindsay said...

Yup, it was SO fun! Hooray! I'm so glad it turned out! =D