Monday, April 30, 2007


Okay, so I'm not going to analyze the normal aspects of prom that many girls have analyzed, and still will analyze. I knew Prom was a big deal, but I never ever expected a four-letter non-swear-word to cause so much trouble.

To illustrate my point a little bit, I'm going to tell a story.
Once upon a time there was a boy that asked a girl to prom. Sounds harmless enough? Guess again. In the weeks that followed, the boy and the girl got more and more excited to go, and those around them got more and more ridiculous. Apparently everybody in the world besides this boy and girl had ample time on their hands to concoct rumors and stupid stories about this boy and girl. I won't got into details, but basically these people just knew there had to be another reason that this boy asked her, because he couldn't possibly just want to go with her. The peanut gallery continued to pester the boy about this, yet for some strange reason, they never approached the girl.

This sounds like an issue of Cosmo or something. It's ridiculous! I don't understand why in the world people would think that they have the right to butt into something that's obviously not ANY of their business. I can only come up with a few reasons why people would do this, and each sounds more ridiculous than the next, but one of them has got to apply. Maybe these people have SO much free time, that they have perfected themselves and have now moved on to worrying about other people's personal lives. Maybe they have nothing else interesting going on in their lives, so they dedicate any and all free time to analyzing this boy and girl. Maybe they themselves didn't get asked to prom, so they're just jealous. Maybe they are so desperate to go that they are taking their moms or brothers. I don't understand!

This girl (whom I just happen to know extremely well) is so frustrated with what's going on! Every day she hopes that it doesn't get bad enough that the boy will regret ever asking her to prom. She doesn't understand why in the world, when two people just want to go to a dance together and have a good time, that somebody else would try to ruin that. What could they possibly gain? The pleasure in knowing that they ruined somebody else's good night because they weren't going to have one of their own? How immature.

If this girl could tell the peanut gallery something, she would say "Please, if you have to attack somebody about this, give the boy a break. Take it to the me. I'll probably just laugh at you and give you a dollar to go to the dollar theater that night if you're that desperate, but please, just leave my date alone. He doesn't deserve any of this. And, regardless of whether or not you continue this, we're going to have a wonderful night. We're going to have SO much fun, and you're not going to ruin one bit of it. Why don't you go build a birdhouse or do something more productive with your time, and leave us alone."

That's what she would say.


FiddleWiz said...

I think it's so sad that this boy is being given such a hard time!! It's totally uncalled for. That couple is going to go to the dance and have the perfect night being swept away together... you and your date will have the perfect night being swept away together... and my date and I will have the perfect night being swept away together. It's going to be amazing for all of us. Especially since you and I will no longer have to worry about Calculus! No integrals or derivatives or vectors or parametric equations or u-substitutions or integration by parts or disc/washer methods or the convergence of and endless number of series or any of that jazz to mess up our perfect evening. Woot!! ;)

Bzola said...

I don't know about you guys, but this date of yours sounds like a way cool dude! Don't tell eveyone to take it out on you! Your date is a "man" with no emotion. He can handle it, and if they keep bothering him he'll just give them a roundhouse kick in the face like chuck norris.(haha, that's for you nate)

dr.scholl said...

first off, i hate chuck norris.

dr.scholl said...

secondly, the whole point of prom is to be able to have a great, very-formal date-dance night...whether it be as friends or whatever else. prom is fun stuff, and to everyone who is trying to ruin it for those who actually are going, LAY OFF!!!

Holly said...

I hope the peanut gallery stops pestering because it doesn't help, it only hurts, and no one deserves to be hurt that way. Don't believe what they say this girl is amazing and the guy that asked her asked her because he wants to go with her and they are going to have a great time. Love ya!