Monday, April 9, 2007


In my life, I hardly ever go to the doctor because I'm sick. (I'm rarely sick for that matter.) I can count on two hands how many times I've been to the doctor for something other than checkups, vaccinations, or some sort of internship. In the past 4 years I've been to the doctor 3 times. Once for strep, Once when I thought my appendix exploded, and once after I had ignored some serious problems for about 6 months. One of my biggest fears is that one of these days something is going to be seriously wrong with me, and I'm just going to ignore it, or "Brush it off" like I tend to do, then die or something awful like that.
I run. I'm NOT a runner by any stretch of the word, but I run on occasion. Now that the weather is warming up, I have played outside often without shoes, running for hours on end without shoes. This, we are all told, leads to shinsplints. Well, I guess I ran without shoes one too many times, but "no, I couldn't have shinsplints..." and I would still go running day after day. Well, I suppose I shouldn't have ignored it because tonight when I went running, well, I couldn't. Simple as that. I actually have a hard time walking up the stairs right now. I shouldn't have ignored my shinsplints. Ouch. They're painful.
I guess I do this because I'm stubborn. I'll admit it, I'm one of the most stubborn people you'll ever meet. Another reason is probably because I'm so rarely sick or otherwise afflicted. I have no problem getting perfect attendance, and I haven't gotten the stomach flu for probably 7 years. For me to actually pay attention to a little malady, it has to be BAD, like the time I thought my appendix had exploded. Well, I only went to the emergency room because I couldn't move, walk, breath, or take up space without being in excruciating pain. (I was even in tears. I don't often cry because of pain. That doesn't mean I don't cry, but I rarely do because of physical pain.) I went to the emergency room and it ended up (after hours of tests) being a highly evolved bladder infection.
These shinsplints that I'm ailed with now are become more and more symbolic as I sit here in pain. Maybe I could learn from them...hmmm...maybe I could learn NOT to ignore early symptoms of ailments. Maybe I could learn that going to the doctor is NOT a sign of weakness. Maybe I could learn....uh....well...maybe not. Maybe I'll just heal from these and then go back to the way I've always been. It's worked out well so far! (Famous last words...knock on wood.)


Chlorine Addict said...

Yeah, see, that's why I swim. No shin splint problems there. The worst thing I can do is throw out my shoulder and be ineligible to swim competitively ever again. No problem.

PS: I would never admit to a highly advanced bladder problem. Maybe I'm just a wuss when it comes to admitting things, though.

Lindsay said...
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Bugler921 said...

Hey, tan lines are awesome! Well, depends who you are referring to. Every year in marching band we see who has gotten the biggest tan line. Some even go so far as to sunscreen half of their face during the week we spend about 20 hours in the August sun. It's great! The crazy lines show up near watches, bracelets, necklaces, sleeves, pant legs, socks, sandals, etc. And they never go away, no matter how hard we try! I know that had almost nothing to do with what you wrote about, but oh well. Have fun!

Bzola said...

Wow Lindsay, you should be a marine or somehting. And don't worry I've already been putting in a good word for you with Kev ;)

Although I don't know how he's going to respond to the whole bladder infection thing. lol

Lindsay said...

Me? A Marine? That would be slightly comical. =D I sure hope my legs are a bit better by Saturday (Morp). Nate (Jellen) can get pretty crazy on the dance floor, and I want to be able to bounce too! No fun just standing there!'s me. I'll probably ignore my shin splints come Saturday night, and regret it on Sunday.
I guess sometimes I forget that you guys talk to each other without us girls...silly of me. =D I'm glad ;-)
So, I'm not sure what to think about the whole bladder thing myself...just stating it like it is!

Lindsay said...

Wait....does that mean that Kevyn READS my blogs?

Bzola said...

I'm not sure if he reads your blogs, I don't think he knows the address to your blog. But if you want me to I could slip him a note tomorrow in English ;)

FiddleWiz said...

Now if only someone could put in a good word for me with Black Cherry.... (wink)

Lindsay said...

Um, I don't know if that would be necessary. =S I wouldn't mind if he read my blogs of course (so many people already do...) but I say some things that could be slightly embarassing for me! Oh well. Welcome to my life. =D

Bzola said...

So who's the infamous "Black Cherry?" The only person I can think of is Will Cherry. And Lindsay, if Kevyn is worth liking then you shouldn't be afraid of what he thinks about your "embarassing" comments. If he likes you, he needs to like you for you. That includes all the embarassing attributes along with the good ones :)

Lindsay said...

Geez know just what to say...holy cow. Eh, I do lots of embarassing things (even in front of Kevyn) and he hasn't shunned me yet. =D I really don't get embarassed much anymore...I rather enjoy not caring what people think about the things I do.

Anonymous said...

You are shy when it comes to that certain someone! Except maybe when you proclaim it to the whole world! I shudder to think about what would happen should he read this blog and . . . oh I don't know, just be more careful! maybe brandon should email you instead. I'm just worried sorry, maybe I'm overprotective (is that allowed maybe I'm just a good friend I hope!) Just be careful!

Bzola said...

Ya, I was thinking the same thing. We really probably should be emailing this so the whole world can't read what we say.

Lindsay said...
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Anonymous said...

Do not just give out your never know who could get it! You give out way too much information about yourself on your blog-i don't even know you and i know that you are a girl who lives in orem ut, is in love with a boy named kevyn, i know what you look like, your age and pretty much everything that i would ever want to know- i think that you just need to be more careful in what information you disclose on the internet you never know what people will do with it