Saturday, April 28, 2007

Start an epidemic!


Happiness is contagious! Start an epidemic!
I have been so happy lately! There isn't just one reason to pinpoint, but I've been so incredibly happy these past few weeks. One thing I've noticed about happiness, is that if you're happy, people around you can't help but be even just a little bit happier. When you're truly happy, there's almost a light that radiates from you. All it takes is a little ray of light to despel darkness from a room. All it takes is a little smile or a laugh to break through a dreary day.
You need a reason to be sad, but you don't need an excuse to be happy!
I've been asked why I'm always so happy. I read a quote once (from "Sideways stories from Wayside school") that said, "you need a reason to be sad, but you don't need an excuse to be happy!" If you're having a neutral day, where nothing in particular has happened to make you sad, but then again nothing has happened to make you happy, Be happy! Happiness is a better default feeling than sadness. If you really need an excuse, think of it this way: "My day could have been a LOT worse." Imagine the possibilities!
At the height of laughter, the universe if flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.
-Jean Houston
Laughter is also contageous. If you have ever been in a classroom, and all the sudden a few students start laughing really hard, how long is it before everybody is laughing, or at least smiling? In the middle of a bad day, all it takes is to hear the ringing of laughter to remind you that the world isn't all that bad. It reminds you to find something to smile about.
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
-Mahatma Gandhi
Find something to be happy about today, and remember to live each day to it's fullest!


Bugler921 said...

That's so neat! I once heard an anonymous quote (the 'unknown' person deserves a high five or a pat on the back) that says, "A smile is a cheap and inexpensive way to improve your looks." Being happy starts on the inside, but that's only the beginning. It reminds me of Bro. Lowe... "Happiness!!!" It's an epidemic that will cure anything.

Chlorine Addict said...

Yuck! The nice goodness rays are practically burning holes in my eyes! I can't hardly take so much optimism! Thanks for ruining my day.

Emmyann said...

I got something to add to that. Ahem. A wise girl once said, "There is no key to unlock the doors of happiness, instead such doors are wide open before the eyes of man (and woman) in every direction of life. It is up to the passerby to decide whether or not they will enter into that house of happiness or trudge their way down the streets of optimism with their despairs weighing them down into the gutters of denial."
Luv ya, Lindz!

Holly said...

Wow! I love it. You are such a happy person and you make me happy everyday. Thanks for you're blog it was exactly what I wished I could say but hadn't yet. Keep Smilin'!