Monday, April 23, 2007

This is the way I feel.

"When we enjoy the Holy Spirit, when we are trying to live our religion here on the earth, we are the happiest people on God's footstool, no matter what our circumstances may be. I do not care whether we are rich or poor, whether in happiness or affliction, if a man is living his religion and enjoys the favor and Spirit of God, it makes no difference to him what takes place on the earth. There may be earthquakes, war, fire or sword in the land, but he feels that it is all right with him. That is the way I feel."
(Wilford Woodruff, in Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Wilford Woodruff [2004], 51)


Holly said...

wow, I've never heard that before but it's so true. That's why I like to be happy all the time...because I can. Love ya!

Lindsay said...

I got this quote emailed to me today from LDS Gems, and I was so surprised how it perfectly fit what I've been thinking and talking about lately. It's amazing!

Noelle said...

I wish I was better at consistantly remembering and applying that very comforting fact in my life. It always makes things simpler and happier when I do :D

Bugler921 said...

Yay for LDS Gems! They always send out the greatest things, especially the ones directed to youth. If I had the space and the permission, my walls would be completely plastered with quotes and even more pictures than are on them now. "Happiness!"

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