Friday, May 4, 2007

"Girls" for dummies.... I mean, for guys.

This is a work in progress. Someday I'll make it into a book or a calendar or something, but as for now, expect blogs about it periodically.

  1. There are not many things more attractive about a guy than being able to have a good conversation with him.
  2. When girls say they like you, don't ask for a definition. They don't know one.
  3. Just because one girl does or says something, don't think they all do or say that. Each and EVERY girl is SO different from the next, it's impossible to write a handbook one them. Sorry boys...I'll do my best.
  4. Girls aren't always oblivious to flashing headlights....just when they're on the phone with the boy they like.
  5. Girls that won't eat in front of boys drive the rest of us girls nuts.
  6. Likewise, girls that won't be active (ie, sports) in front of boys drive the rest of us nuts too.
  7. Girls always like to be told they are pretty, beautiful, etc, no matter how much they deny it when you tell them.
  8. None of your buddies is going to think less of you if you do cute things for a girl. No matter how much they make fun, just see who gets the last laugh....=D
  9. The only girls that are worth it don't go for the "Bad boys."
  10. Boys shouldn't slouch no matter how tall they are.

That's all for now folks!


Bzola said...

I couldn't help but notice some of those were pointed at me. haha. I'm glad this will be a periodical thing. It's bascially a list of how to be a good "guy friend."

Emmyann said...

I LOVE IT! It's completely accurate in everyway! Since we as girls ALWAYS go off on this same topic, I think we ought to write down everything we say and post it on ALL our blogsites! Lol! Luv ya!

Holly said...

Wow, I must say I am so sorry for all the guys, we are so confusing. As I was reading over your list I could think of a few girls that would contradict your opinions. I can't explain anything but to say that every girl is different and whomever the guys marry they probably should find some way to enjoy figuring that one girl out because it will take a while. Sorry guys.

Lindsay said...

Some of them HAD to be pointed at you Brandon! You were the one that requested this blog!
Girls, I decided we need to all write our own lists and then compile them into a complementary book for all the guys. =D
Yes, we are confusing. I feel bad for the As I was writing this I thought of some girls that wouldn't agree with me too...but oh well!

omarie said...

Lindsay - This really doesn't have anything to do with your blog, but I just read your comment on mine, and that was a way funny story. :)
p.s. I enjoyed your blog, as even though I am a member of a group known as "girls", each and everyday I am bewildered and confused by them. Good Luck guys, I'm one of them, and I can't even figure them out! :)

FiddleWiz said...

Those are ALL true!! And yet we have a lifetime to discover the rest of the things in this "guidebook" you've started... because the list never ends!! I think another thing that needs to be added on here is this: Even though the guys can get nervous sometimes about "making the first move" (with anything really - even as simple as being the first one to flirt, for crying out loud!), don't be - most of the time, we're just waiting around for you to make the first move (whatever it is). We're just as scared (if not more) to be the ones to initiate anything, but we love it when the guys do stuff to make us all bubbly inside... :)