Monday, June 25, 2007


I was at EFY this past week with Holly, Jessica, Whitney, Sami, and Audrey. We went to BYU Idaho. It was one of the best weeks of my life! Not only did I have a blast, but I grew to love my group like family, and I felt the spirit incredibly strongly all week long. It was AWESOME!

Holly and I on the bus.

I REALLY wanted to play that organ. It looked AWESOME!!!! But, alas and alack, I wasn't able to because we were at the variety show and I was in the audience.

Pajama Party! =D

Me and Alex at some assembly thingy.

Me and Jake. He was AWESOME, and just about as spastic and outgoing as me! Lol....

Me and the infamous box of crayons.

I snuck over to Whitney and Jessica's group during the service project and took pictures of them laughing about the "tootsie roll poop" prank. =D

Me and Whitney.....the whitney in my group, not the one I went up with.

My company: "No Graven Images"

Our Future Return Missionaries. =D

"...As Sisters in Zion..."

Me and the studly men of my company. lol.

Whitney, me, Jessica, and Holly

Logan, me, and Jake. They go to Timpanogos, and yet, I had to go all the way to Idaho to meet them. Weird how that works. Anyway, they were amazing people and I'm really going to miss them!

Jake and me

Me and Alex. Too bad he lives in Oregon. He was awesome.
Ha ha ha. Aaron is a hoot!

Kyle and me. He and Alex were friends and they came down together. They were so nice, and they went out of their way to make everybody feel like they belonged. Besides that, they are both extremely photogenic. :D

Me and Amazing Holly.

Me and Chance. Chance did an AMAZING monologue from Romeo and Juliet that had everybody rolling on the floor with laughter, and their mouths hanging open from awe.

Jordan, me and Ben. They're cousins. It's funny, not only does Ben look like and remind me of my friend Randall to a T, but he also works two doors down from me and I had no idea.... "it's a small world..."

Well, that was pretty much one of the best weeks of my life, and I'm extremely sad it's over. Well, hopefully, I'll see everybody again someday!


FiddleWiz said...

AAAAH Those are adorable, Lindsay! I love them! When my camera decides to cooperate, I'll post some pictures too. I got a cute one of Bryant and me... *giggle* I really should've taken a picture of Robert, he would've made you swoon!! (What's up with these handsome bass players, anyway?!) Professor Belknap wanted a picture with me, but that wasn't on my camera, that's going on the website... :S And he doesn't exactly count as, you know... a COW (Crush Of the Week) cuz that would just be awkward.... OH wow this comment has no real direction, does it....

FiddleWiz said...

Oh but I did get a picture of Spencer in his quintet. You'll think he's cute, don't worry. I sure did! He's cute anyway, but wait'll you see him ripping on his bass! Oh dear.... :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! did You cut your hair? You look wonderful!