Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The flicker


I just was a part of the funniest thing ever, and I think everybody will appreciate this story.

I was just getting home from work at about 9:15, I went and filled my car up with gas, and came home. As I pulled up to my house I saw a truck in front of my house that wasn't there 10 minutes earlier before I went and got gas. The lights were on, and it was running, but I couldn't see anybody in the front seat. I figured maybe the neighbors across the street had company or something, and I would just go tell them their lights were still on. Well, as I got out of my car I noticed flailing arms..... I immediately started laughing, and then realized that there were two people in the front seat of that truck engaged in a full fledged make-out, I'll be honest, I've never witnessed one of those before..... I could not stop laughing! They looked SO ridiculous! They didn't realize that I was getting out of my car, and they didn't even realize I was there, 10 feet away from them, when I was shutting our gate! I suppose they were a little distracted! Ha ha ha! I'm laughing thinking about this now! Anyway, on with the story. I went inside and peeked out the window. My mom asked why I was laughing and I told her. She said, "Turn on the porch light and see what they do" so I did.... nothing. They were still at it, right in front of my house! My mom was like, "oh well...." but I decided to have a little fun. Being Lindsay, I always am coming up with inconvenient, yet funny things to do. I rarely do them, but this was the perfect opportunity for me. I stood by the front door and flickered my porch light for no less than two minutes. I was dying of laughter the whole time. After about two minutes I looked out the window. Two heads emerged looking slightly dazed, and stared out the window at the sliver of light coming from the slit in the blinds I was looking through. =D I grinned as I saw them put-put a few houses down in front of some shady apartments, and laughed as I saw them put the truck in park, and continue their business meeting.

Eh. I do my best. =D


Emmyann said...

O MY HOLY GOODNESS, LINDSAY!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I wish I was there with you. I would've told you to help me toilet paper their car! Oh, that is hilarious! I'm desperate for a girl's party. or maybe just any party where we can laugh and laugh play jokes and pranks ans laugh some more!=D WOW! Call me next time something like that happens to you K? I'll do the same. C-ya, girlie!

Anonymous said...

Ha! That's Hilarious! Well, I was just stating a point in my blog where you and Mr. Rich sort of had this intellectual realationship with each other... It was sort of amusing at times.

FiddleWiz said...

Oh dear Lindsay... that's hilarious!! I wish I would have been there with you!! We could have had even more fun with those two.... *giggle* That's awesome, I love these random things!!