Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Annie, Me and Whitney

This past weekend my cousin Whitney and I babysat my cousin Annie. I'm my mom's oldest daughter (profound...I know...), Whitney is my mom's younger sister Tamie's oldest daughter, and Annie is their younger sister's oldest daughter. We had a "girl's weekend!" It was very fun. These first pictures are of us at Cold stone.

Annie likes to feed us whenever we try to feed her. =D


Independant squirt.

Us, taken by my skillfull right hand. :D Lol

Annie Dancing at Papa Murphey's. About half way into our icecream we decided we'd better feed the child dinner (and ourselves), so we went to Papa murphey's. We really had just gone to Cold stone to buy icecream in the pints to go, but they had made extra, so of course we had to eat it before we left and took the other home.

Annie's mischievious grin. You'd better watch out.

Who knows....she likes to make faces though. :) I take full credit for all the crusties in pictures. I taught her that at a very young age. =D

Adorable Annalee in the tub.

Uh, I don't know what I'd call this, but welcome to the family. :)

1 comment:

Holly said...

Adorable! I really need to get a camera. I love all the pictures you take, you'll have an excellent collection of memories never to be foregotten when you grow up. I love ya!