Friday, December 1, 2006

Don't be afraid!

I just got through talking to this boy on the phone and he said that he was scared of people. I decided that I was going to analyze why he shouldn't be afraid of people since I really can't come up with anything on why he is.

1. We don't bite! (Usually =P) I've never really been a shy person myself....I'm rather gregarious and I love being around lots of people. I have a hard time understanding what makes a person shy. I would imagine a lot of people are afraid that people aren't going to like them, so they just avoid the potential problem alltogether. In actuality when most people first meet someone they don't only look for faults in the other person, they try to find a reason to like them!
2. If someone honestly has a problem with you, do you really think that their opinion is worth a hill of beans? It isn't! Really all that matters is what you think of yourself. Yes, it does help when other people like you, but it should only help....that shouldn't determine what you think of yourself.
3. This boy is SO adorable, he has SO many friends, TONS of girls like him and he has SO much potential. He has so many talents and qualities that he could share with other people and he should be proud of what he could do.....also, there's nothing wrong with a little showing off now and then. ;-)

There's nothing wrong with being shy, but (unless you are thinking about a 350 pound sumo wrestler or something,) you shouldn't be scared of people. People can add so much spice and fun to life! It's so fun meeting and associating with all types of people. I have yet to lose my faith in the human race as a whole, and I believe that for the most part people aren't out to hurt other people. People aren't looking for people to hate. Every person wants to be liked just as much as the next person. Let's give people a chance!

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