Saturday, December 30, 2006

How could you not believe?

Just looking at something so spectacular as this, how could you not believe in a God?
Some say this universe came about by accident. Some say that everything evolved from single celled organisms. Some say that "One Nation, Under God" should be taken out of our country's pledge of allegiance. Some people even think that referring to Christ when talking about Christmas isn't politically okay. I wonder why. (After all, Christmas is the celebration of Christ's birth. It's not like we're trying to degrade Hanukkah or Kwanza or anything else, we're just celebrating the birth of the person we believe to be our Savior.)
It's such a wonderful and comforting thing to know that there is someone that is all powerful, omnipotent and omniscient. It makes me feel like I'm being protected and I'm not all alone in this vast universe.
Why do people think that just because they don't believe in God they have the right to change our pledge of allegiance, and everything else that this country was founded on because it credits God? Perhaps some people honestly think that we are trying to force religion on them when we mention God in schools and other public places. For the most part people, whether or not they believe in a God, don't have any problems whatsoever with allowing others religious freedom. The Founding Fathers came to this Country partly for religious freedom, and that's always been something America has been proud of. It's those few people that want attention that put up a fuss about our saying "under God" or "Christmas" etcetera. It's sad that such a minority has such a large impact on what the majority does in cases like this.
I personally think it's wonderful that we live in such a blessed place that we can be any religion we want, (or even no religion at all) and not be questioned. I believe that we should allow all people to worship how, where, or what they may, and I wish that all people would feel the same way. This country, and even the world, would be a much better place.

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