Friday, January 26, 2007


(This is dedicated to Jessica. =D)
Why do I like books so much?
One of the reasons is because I love to read. When I have time, I love to just get lost in a book and explore a whole new world. I love reading because it stretches my mind to it's limits and I think of things in ways that I never have before.
Not only do I love reading, but I love the actual tangible book. I love the smell of the new pages, I love the feel of a smooth cover, and I love how the spines look all lined up in a bookshelf.
I love to organize things, and books are SO condusive to being organized! Not only are they one of the most convenient shapes to organize, but there are limitless possibilities! You can sort them by title, genre, author's name, shape, size, use,.....the possibilities are endless! I know I'm weird, but sorting and organizing things relaxes me, so I have some of the most organized books! (My personal preference is by author's last name.)
I love perusing the book store because I feel surrounded by windows of opportunity just waiting to be picked up. I LOVE shopping for clothes, but unlike clothes, you really never "grow out" of books, and books won't "go out of style." Sometimes I feel like I have to justify spending money on clothes, but I never ever feel that way about books. I have never felt like I had to justify spending money on something that can benefit me in SO many ways.
I love truly owning a book. I love writing all over the pages, and having a conversation between me and the author. I love looking back on books that I have written all over and re-reading what I wrote and gaining new insite all over again.
If I can learn so much about myself and the world around me through a couple hundred pages bound together, why wouldn't I love books?!

1 comment:

miss terri said...

that's why i love books. and because they smell good. you forgot that.