Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I'll never understand...

People always say that we don't understand our parents because we're teenagers, but when we're adults we'll all of the sudden realize that our parents knew what they were talking about. I don't agree.
The past few days have been crazy because of circumstances beyond my control. Today right before I went to work my mom asked me if I was going to have to be up late doing homework when I got home. I said that I had to practice my choir music for 40 minutes and memorize it tonight for points. She said that was fine as long as I did it downstairs. Well, I got home from work and started practicing. Imagine that. Well, my sister started complaining and then my mom told me to stop. I said that it was my homework and I had to do it. Then, my dad came down and started yelling at me and telling me I had to set my priorities straight and that this should have come before all the things that I had no control over. Okay, well, first of all, I didn't get assigned it until today, and I have to have it done today. Secondly, I had to go to work. It's not like I can just not show up at work because my dad thinks it should be last priority. I was trying to explain to my parents that I absolutely had to do it when they randomly decided to ground me for a week from driving. Okay, that makes know, since it has so much to do with me doing homework. Oh, and it makes sense to ground me from my method of transportation to work. Basically, tonight I was grounded from going to work and doing my homework because I went to work and was doing my homework. You can't tell me I'm going to understand what my parents were thinking when I become an adult.
Why do parents think they are right just because they are the parent? I'll admit, sometimes I am the hormonal teenager that gets irrational etc, but most of the time I'm pretty reasonable and responsible....I'm Lindsay for crying outloud. My parents use the excuse "I'm the parent, you're the teenager" a lot. It drives me crazy. Yes, I'm a teenager, but there aren't many teenagers that do everything I do. I get straight A's, go to work (and pay for everything I do, including my choir tour and EFY) have 3 callings in church, manage to stay healthy, and keep a fairly clean room. I don't sneak out, I don't get in trouble, I don't get bad grades, I have amazing friends, I come to family scripture study and FHE, I am home by curfew EVERY time I go out, what else to they expect?!
Sometimes I think that they just look for "normal teenage rebellious behavior" in me to punish. I'm not really rebellious at all, so they somehow see doing homework as being rebellious, and punish me. I really usually don't react when my parents get in my face and yell at me because it would make me get in more trouble, but then my dad will bring up more things to try to get a reaction out of me to justify his punishing me. (ie, grounding me from a week of driving because I was doing my homework.)
I don't really know even what I'm analyzing any more, but I'm just frustrated out of my mind. I'm sitting here, going to get an F on the first of maybe 3 assignments we're going to get in choir all term, grounded from driving for a week for something I had absolutely no control over, and I have no idea why I should have to plead with my parents to let me do my homework. Oh, and my dad told me registering for EFY should have been my last priority......uh huh. Because my eternal salvation is much less important than doing homework I didn't even have yesterday. Okay.
I don't understand my parents, and I doubt I'll understand nights like this no matter how old I get. Wow. That was lovely and analytical. Oh well.


FiddleWiz said...

Wow Lindsay! I completely understand about not understanding!

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel. But you have to remember that Parents are normal people too, so believe it or not they can also make mistakes. They are learning how to become good parents so they are going to make a few mistakes sometimes.