Monday, January 29, 2007

There aren't any frogs

In my church, a lot of focus is put on girls nowadays reminding us to be our own kind of beautiful and keep our self esteem up and things like that. Well, I don't mind it at all because it's been a huge blessing in my life, but sometimes I wish that the guys were reminded more often of how special they are. There are no frogs, just handsome princes who don't know who they are.
In the modern world, the role of a female has changed greatly. It is now looked down upon to be a housewife and a mother, when in fact this can be one of the most noble callings a woman can have. Women now require to be "seen as equals" to men, and we are allowed to do many things that women in past generation have not been able to do. We can hold authority positions over men, we can go to school just the same as men, we can be pretty much anything a man can in the job field, and we can have the same freedoms as men can.
Unfortunately, as the variety of roles a woman can fill is expanding, the men are getting pushed into a corner. They can no longer be just a "normal" man to be considered a man. In the world's eyes, a man must be your stereotypical "football player, ripped muscles, manly job, wife that obeys his every command, etc etc etc" It's very unfortunate that men are no longer considered "normal" if their wife works and they stay at home, if they do something in the arts for a career, or if they dress nice and are well groomed.
This kind of paradigm of a "man" leads many boys to think less of themselves, and to have low self esteem; essentially, to see themselves as "frogs."
It's SO important for us as girls to continually treat the guys we associate with as the princes they are, since they are so often instructed to treat us as princesses. Imagine if we all treated each other as royalty. This world would be a much better place, without all they awful behavior that goes on in the world as we know it.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Mormon Ads are awesome! I ought to expand my collection. They are quite inspiring and insightful. Anyways, you told me to comment on your blog after you happened to come across mine. Thanks for the compliments! I don't see how you found time in your busy schedule to stumble your way through one of my monstrous essays... Congratulations! ;) Well, keep a-Blogging! See you around. =)

Anonymous said...

Fun stuff! Way to multi-task. As you can see I'm a wee bit behind on my blogs... which will soon change causing any potential readers become slammed with more verbose analysis. *Yaaayy...* Oh, and feel free to email me if you'd like, ( Good luck with everything you're doing! Keep smiling too.