Saturday, March 31, 2007

Commitment to the Lord

This weekend is the 177th Annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I love listening to these talks because I love hearing the word of my Heavenly Father from such spiritual men and women.

Today a man talked by the name of John B Dickson. He started out by saying that he was addressing his talk to the youth. He talked a lot about Commitment to the Lord. He said, "Committing ourselves to the Lord is now vital." He closed by saying something I really needed to hear. He said, "As you commit now to do the will of the Lord, He will strengthen you."

In my life lately I've seen how important, and as Elder Dickson said, and how vital our commitment to the Lord is. I set some standards for myself a while back after I had some tough experiences. Commiting to these standards has made living them so much easier. But, it has gotten hard lately. As I see people around me, even some people close to me, doing these things I have set high standards on, it is hard to not want it too. Before Conference I decided to make a list of the things that I wanted to get out of this conference. I was extremely specific, and one of my things was, "I want to receive reassurance that I'm doing the right thing by not doing _______" Well, when this talk came up and Elder Dickson specifically addressed this topic, I was more than reassured. I was promised that as I keep this commitment I've made to the Lord, I won't be doing it on my own, and He will strengthen me. With His help, I can do anything.


FiddleWiz said...

I love conference, too, Lindsay! I felt the spirit so strongly today!

Holly said...

You are such a strong amazing young women. You are such an example to me and I know that by deciding to set high standards the Lord won't only strengthen you but he will bless you.

Bugler921 said...

As my bishop has counseled for years, "Put up your stop signs long before you get there." Yay for conference! It makes everyone happier.

Chlorine Addict said...

HAHAHA!!! I'm evil! I found this site! Now no one is safe! HAHA!!!

PS: Yeah, I just totally disrupted this spiritual moment. Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen.

Anonymous said...

Do you know what the best thing about conference is? It is the Carol Mikita special that is on between sessions. You just gotta love the mikita!

Dancing Feet said...

The best part about Conference is not the special in between, it's the special warm fuzzies that everyone can feel (not during the Mikita special!)


FiddleWiz said...

Carol Mikita is pretty awesome, but personally I prefer watching and hearing all the speakers at conference! :P to Kyler.... hahaha!! And that quote is awesome, Bryan - I'm gonna use that!! It's so true!