Monday, March 19, 2007

Two types of teachers...

So, I'm going to NY on choir tour tomorrow. I'm so excited, and it's going to be wonderful and fun and everything, but we're going to be gone the last week of third term. I've long been a believer that third term is the hardest term, so it's GREAT timing that we're missing the most crucial part of it! =P As I prepare to leave, and being the Obsessive compulsive anal person that I am, I am trying to make everything up before I go so that my grades don't suffer. In this quest I have discovered that there are two different types of teachers, and almost all of mine explicitly fall into one of these categories. There is one that I could classify under either, with adequate justification, but for the most part, you're one or the other.

Type One
This type of teacher is my favorite, and yes, Mr Rich is one of them. (I'm not trying to brown-nose at all, I'm simply making an analytical observation.) They are excited for us to go on tour. They are more than willing to work with us to make it as easy for us to be gone as possible, and they remember what it was like to be in in, WE DON'T HAVE ENDLESS AMOUNTS OF TIME! This teacher is sending us off with words such as "Don't get into too much trouble!" or, "Have fun!" or, "Try to get at least some sleep!" or even, "You're going to have so much fun doing x, y, and z!" They rearrange tests, deadlines, and major assignments so that we will be able to complete them in a timely manner, even if it does mean a little bit of extra studying on this, the day before we leave.
Type Two
This second type of teacher is the kind that is making me SO stressed out right now that my stomach is literally in knots and my mind is racing a hundred miles a minute. This type of teacher thinks we're going to go to New York City and sit in our hotel rooms and do chemistry homework. (Oops! Did I say chemistry? Well, there you go! That's about all I have to say isn't it!?) Today in chemistry I asked my teacher what I needed to do so I don't fall behind. Well, here is what I have to do: I was given a packet of worksheets about 15 pages long, that I need to read the corresponding chapters and complete, I was told, and I quote, "Just xerox the chapter and staple it and slide it in your suitcase so that you can get together in a little study group in NY and study for the test that you'll have to take the day you return!" Holy cow. Does this woman not realize that we're not going to New York to sit in our hotels? When we aren't competing or singing at our festivals, we're going to be experiencing NY at it's finest, NOT in our hotel rooms. I doubt if we're in our hotel rooms for more than 8 hours a day, and that includes sleeping! Apparently this second type of teacher either thinks that we can run on no sleep, or she thinks that there is no limit in the amount of time in a day! Hooray!
Okay....I've been rambling long enough. I have stuff to do....hmm...maybe I won't go to sleep tonight....because, it makes perfect sense that I not go to sleep tonight, just to have a red-eye flight and not sleep tomorrow night either, before pulling a full day in NY, and not getting to a bed until late Wednesday night!
Have a good day!


Bugler921 said...

Interesting how that works... One of the most crucial parts about getting an education is getting a well-balanced education. It's so neat when teachers make their class exactly important as it should be, realizing it fits in with overall education as well. Have a blast in New York! Sing your hearts out, and good luck doing so! Oooh, take some pass-along cards! That's always fun. ;)

FiddleWiz said...

No kidding, and I totally understand about that one teacher you're talking about! *cough* I have memories of six chapters of ecology reading, notes, and questions that was assigned as a Christmas present last year... wow! I'll bet you're having SO much fun!! I have SO much to tell you when you get back (and likewise, I'm sure there's a lot you need to fill me in about!)! <3 ya!

Holly said...

Oh what a difference these teachers make but don't worry Lindsay because even though they make life harder you always seem to pull through with flying colors and come out the best. We will have so much fun in NY I'm so excited except for the homework load I have to finish but I'm not going to worry about that right now. Love ya.