Saturday, April 14, 2007

Friday the 13th

Yesterday was Friday the thirteenth. Now, I've never been superstitious before. Honestly, I had forgotten that it was "Friday the Thirteenth" after the end of 1st period. Well, this was how my day went yesterday. Coincidence?
I had a great day yesterday as far as school went. The major stressers in my week were just ending or getting ironed out. Whitney and Jessica and I had to go run some errands after school in preparation for Morp. Our conversations took a weird turn into the subject of "who's the safest driver out of us do you think?" and car insurance. (Knock on wood.) I took them both home, came home, went to Chilis with my family, and then came home. I went over to Whitney's house so we could wash my car for Morp tonight. We were sitting around after we were done, and something came up. A few more of our friends came over and we had a talk. It was a very difficult conversation and situation we were in...but eventually we decided it was time to go home. I was extremely distracted and upset by some of the things that had just happened, but my mom had called and said that she needed me to come do some laundry since I wouldn't have much time at home today because of Morp. I was about a block from Whitney's house (which also happens to be about a block from my house since our houses are like 2 blocks apart) and I was trying to turn onto the street to get to my house. I saw a space after an upcoming suburban. The suburban, I assumed (once I considered it's speed and the lane it was in) was going to continue straight, and I would come out behind it. I had a million and one things racing through my mind. I pulled out into the street, and in slow motion realized that the suburban wasn't going to continue straight, it was turning right in front of me. I couldn't stop in time and I hit it. Yeah, that was fun. Both of our parents' came and the police came. While he was filling out the report in his car, he said we could get back into our cars to warm up if we wanted. I got in my car and lost it. I had a friend that was driving by and he turned around and sat with me until we were all finished. I went home, and needless to say, I never did the laundry. It's actually in the washer right now as we speak. You can't tell me that wasn't an unlucky Friday the Thirteenth.


Holly said...

I'm so sorry, the more I think about it the sadder it makes me but I'm so glad that you are alright. I hope there isn't another friday the 13th for a while. j.k. Love ya!

FiddleWiz said...

I'm so sorry all of that happened, but I'm glad things are working out... hopefully. Wow, we both had some experiences the past two days, didn't we! Your Friday the 13th... all of my "almosts" last night during a perfect evening... The more I think about it, the more "twitterpaited" I get about it, which is good because maybe I'm turning back into myself. (yeah right, I'll be bawling about it in like 5 minutes, just watch me!!!)

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