Saturday, May 26, 2007

Dial-up internet

I'm at my grandparen'ts house in idaho, and besides my cell phone the internet is my only connection to the outside world. Okay, this is why I hate Dial-up internet.
  1. It takes five years to even find out if you're going to be able to log on.
  2. You never know if your'e going to be able to connect with your server or not.
  3. It is SO incredibly slow.
  4. You can't multi-task.
  5. Any slight inconvenience will cause the computer to disconnect itself from the internet.
  6. IT'S SO ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!
  7. It is going to take 5 minutes for the computer to decided to post this blog after I press "Publish Post."

1 comment:

Knot DemiGod said...

8. It cuts you off talking to Brayden for no reason at all. :)