Sunday, May 20, 2007

Things I learned this school year

~You look the best in pictures that you don't try to look good in.
~Good friends are one of the most important things you can choose in highschool.
~It's always nice to have a class you can fall asleep in after a long night without any repercussions.
~No boy is worth your tears, but once you find one that is, he won't make you cry.
~The same person can dump water on themselves twice in one day. =D
~It's worth the extra time to make sure you don't wear colored underwear under white clothing. ~Inside jokes are the best kinds.
~ Mr Rich isn't gay.
~Dance like nobody's watching.
~Laugh like nobody's listening.
~Never be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.
~A little brown-nosing never hurt anybody.
~A picture is worth a thousand words, but one word can be worth even more.
~Everybody has their "flashing headlight" moments.
~Everybody wishes someone would call them on the phone.
~You can fit more people than you may think around a round lunch table.
~Sunday will come.
~Get comfortable in the skin you're in, because you're stuck with it, you might as well enjoy it!
~Blogs can be fun..... even the required ones.
~Get pictures of you with your friends.
~Learn how to accept compliments, even though it's always harder than giving them.
~Put the Lord's will first, and everything else in your life will either fall into place, or become insignificant.
~Life's not about how many breaths you take, it's about the moments that take your breath away. (Cheesy, but SO true.)
~Never leave your friends for a boy. The right boy won't care if you're with your friends too.
~Never go to NY without getting a hot dog off of a scary street vendor.
~Walk quickly or you'll get shut in a subway's doors. They show no mercy.
~You'll enjoy your life much more if you don't give too much importance to what other people think of you.
~Serving others is the best way to serve yourself.
~You can name a playlist on your ipod anything you want.
~Make sure you have gas before you try to drive up a canyon.
~Look forward to the future, but live for the present, because you're only there once.
~Live well, laugh often, love much.


Anonymous said...

YEAH! I am glad that you wrote a list also! Its Amazing:)

Nater Potater-tots said...
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Nater Potater-tots said...


Rumbcam said...

Nice Advice! I like it. It's alway so much fun to read lists like that.

Holly said...

That was hilarious, I especially loved our little inside jokes. It really has been a great year and next year will be even better!

Bugler921 said...

It certainly shows there's a lot more to school than assignments, essays, and finals; that's only half of a full education. Slip that list in the journal!