Tuesday, May 15, 2007

"Girls" for dummies.... I mean, for guys..... part 2

Next lesson:

This is a favorite of almost all girls.

Find a guy...
who calls you beautiful instead of hot...
who calls you back when you hang up on him....
who will stay awake just to watch you sleep...
Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead...
Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats...
Who holds your hand in front of his friends...
Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you
and how lucky he is to have you...
Who turns to his friends and says
"...that's her"...
Ponder that men.
I'd like to talk a little bit about the significance of the word "Beautiful." In your teenage boy minds you may not, I don't know, realize how powerful this word is. It takes the cake over pretty much any other word. Maybe guys think that it's better to say "hot" or "sexy" or something like that, but it's really not....for any girl that's worth it at least. A girl always wants to know she's beautiful. It's so hard to explain, but this simple word clicks a switch nothing else can. It makes a girl feel SO good about herself. There's a little girl inside of each and every one of us that just wants to be a princess.... Princesses are beautiful. I'm having a hard time putting what I'm thinking into words..... but boys: remember this: Call a girl beautiful, and she'll think more of you than you could possibly manage by calling her anything else.
There's one more thing I'd like to comment on.... guys may wonder why it's such a big deal for a girl to "find a guy that kisses her forehead." Let me tell you why. If a boy will kiss your forehead, he likes you enough to show you without expecting anything back. Kissing a girl's forehead is such a tender display of your feelings, and I (or any girl really) will think SO much more of you after that. It's another one of those things that's hard to explain.....
Enough lessons for tonight! Sleep on it boys!


Holly said...

I'm speechless lindsay, you summed it all up perfectly. They're is no other word in the english language that can be more flattering than to be called beautiful. Just remember that you are beautiful. Love ya!

FiddleWiz said...

It is SO true!!! I was so flattered when Black Cherry told me I was beautiful... both on the phone and in person. It really is like flipping a switch; I just felt so warm inside, and like I was suddenly the most important person in the world. Not to mention the wildly beating heart, but ya know... ;) The word "beautiful" really does mean so much more than "hot" or "sexy"!!!

Anonymous said...

when guys use the words "hot" or "sexy" it degrades women to mere objects that are without feeling so it's easier to treat them like crap because they see them as only objects. I get REALLY offended when guys used the word HOT or SEXY! I think think that it is so degrading-plus think about it why would you use the word HOT?!?! If someone is not "Hot" are they cold? :) But when the use the word Beautiful it just uplifts you. Have you ever heard of anyone getting offended by someone calling them Beautiful-NO!
I went off on a tangent...OOPS:) I forgot what I was going to say

short_swiss_man said...

Hey Lindsay,

I don't think I speak solely for myself when I say: please keep blogging! Your many readers (myself included) appreciate your thoughts very much. Thank you. We'll keep reading.


Noelle said...

I think, for me at least, the word beautiful is so powerful because of what it means: full of beauty. Not just a beauty on the outside, or some of the time, but FULL of it. It kind of seems to reference being full of light, like in Luke 11.

omarie said...

wow. I totally loved noelle's comment. It is perfectly true. FULL of Beauty.... I love it! Great blog Lindsay!