Friday, May 11, 2007


Along with endless choir commitments today, I got a migraine. It was NOT good. I basically passed out while we were sitting at Timp View listening to the other choirs, and I just about fainted each time we were performing or taking pictures etc. It was awful, people were nice to me, but it was still awful. I finally am recovering, just in time for Prom tomorrow! I'm so excited! I really don't know what I'm going to analyze in this, my final required blog, but I'll think of something as I go. At the choir banquet tonight I got recognized for my position on choir council, but I also got voted (by the choir) to be the "Outstanding Junior Alto." I was so excited.... I'll be honest, I wasn't exactly shocked, but I was honored to be the one chosen.
Okay, I know what I'm going to analyze. As this week is finally coming to a close, I look back on all the stress that the upcoming events had caused me. I was so stressed out that I couldn't eat. Okay, for Lindsay to lose her appetite, something is seriously wrong. In retrospect I almost wish I could say that I didn't need to have stressed out about it as much as I did, but I can't say that. I was 100% justified in being stressed out by everything I had going on this week. It was an extremely long and hard week, but I made it! I wish I could say that I wish I never had those weeks, but as it was so eloquently put last general conference, "We all have dark Fridays in our lives, but they make us appreciate the Sundays when they come; and Sunday will come." I know that even though I was SO excited for Prom tomorrow, if this week hadn't have been as crazy as it was, I wouldn't apppreciate the "Breath of fresh air" quite as much. It may sound silly--but since when did I care if I sounded silly?--but, Prom has been my "light at the end of the tunnel" this week. It was motivation for me to just push and get through it. Now that the brunt of the stress of the school year is over, I can go to Prom tomorrow with my wonderful date Brandon, and have a wonderful time, and COMPLETELY enjoy myself, stress free. You have no idea how much of a relief that is for me.
The least of required blogs anyway. =D


Holly said...

Amen sister! Wow I'm so sorry about your migrane, they're awful and I still made you work, sorry. Anyway Prom is here and I'm soooo excited, I just can't wait. I think we all can say that this week is something we don't want to relive. Thanks for being there for me, you're amamzing.
Love ya!

omarie said...

I'm sorry about your migraine. I hope the alieve's helped. You're awesome!
p.s. to tell you the truth, I wasn't super surprised by the "outstanding junior alto" award, either! :)

Bugler921 said...

Hey! Congrats to A Cappella on their stellar ratings at State! I was there... and I loved every minute of it. Even after setting my bias aside, there was something else about you guys when you started singing that separated you from the other choir that I heard. So way to go! Also, the best thing I've found to relieve any headache is this (but that's just me). Drink 1-2 full glasses of water, grab one of those corn bag things you warm in the microwave, put it on your forehead (not too hot), and fall asleep. Wake up an hour later or when you feel like it, and it's gone! Have a fantastic week!