Tuesday, May 8, 2007

This week's schedule

Monday: School until 1:15
................Homework until 4:30
................Work from 4:45-9:15
................Homework until bed
Tuesday: Health test at school at 6:30
................Prom hair do practice run 3:00
................Misc and final prom errands 4:00-6:00
................Eat sometime in here
................Final studying for AP calculus test until bed
Wednesday: AP Calculus BC test 7:30-noonish
................Go to the rest of my classes
................Homework until 5:30
................Planning for choir banquet 5:45-?
................If time remains (which is doubtful), Mutual at 7:00
................Homework until bed
Thursday: Go to school 7:30
................Meeting at lunch for internship for next year (why this week?)
................4th period
................Piano lessons 3:00-3:30
................Work from 4:45-9:15
................Homework until bed
Friday: Sectional for choir 6:40
................1st period-lunch
.................Decorate lunch room for choir banquet during 4th
.................Decorate commons for stupid choir dance after school
.................Warm ups in choir room 3:30
.................Busses leave at 4:00 for state choir festival
.................Get back at about 6:00ish
.................Help Holly check in all 137 choir robes
.................Choir banquet and awards 6:30-?
.................Stupid Choir dance ?-too late
.................Clean up for stupid choir dance since I'm on choir council: too late-ridiculously too late.
.................Try to make it into bed
Saturday: Prom.....I have no idea what times things are happening at.
.................Have a WONDERFUL day, afternoon, evening, and night with Brandon.
.................Get home late, but it's alright. =D
.................Eventually fall asleep.
Sunday: Play organ at church and try not to DIE from exhaustion.

That's my week, and I'm pretty sure that I've forgotten stuff. I decided that this week is the MOST CRAZY and hectic week I've ever had in school. It's NUTS! If I can make it through this I can make it through anything. Why? WHY NOT? HAVE YOU SEEN MY SCHEDULE?


Holly said...

wow, your schedule looks like mine this week. Ahhhhhh! Just remember I think I can, I think I can, I think I can..... j.k. but you can do it. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is how my life is right now- run from one thing to the next :) I am so EXCITED For the school year to be over! NO MORE STRESS! HOORAY!

Anonymous said...

Good words.