Friday, May 4, 2007

Why meterosexual people jump away from battery cables.

This is dedicated to Nate.
So, today my car wouldn't start in the school parking lot. Great timing. Well, a couple of weeks ago Brandon told me that if I ever needed help with my car to tell him. Little did he know he'd actually have to make good on that offer. =D
We just had to jump it. I thought it was funny that out of a car full of boys, my prom date was the only one that knew how to jump a car. =D Take that girlies.....anyway, I was pulling open my hood. Nate helped me and he was upset when a little bit of grease got on his finger. I was laughing...I'll admit it.
The funniest part however, was when we pulled out the jumper cables, Nate was a BASKET CASE! It was hilarious! I don't think I've ever seen a person act like that over a few wires and stuff before. He probably thought it was going to explode at any second. After the cables were hooked up to Brandon's car and it was running, he walked over to my car with the other ends. Just as soon as he approached the battery, Nate was squealing and running across the parking lot....well, I guess you could call it running. It was pretty much the funniest thing I had seen all day. Well, long story short, we got my car running and Nate finally came back. =D
Now, Brandon wants me to analyze "why meterosexual people jump away from battery cables." I really couldn't tell you why, but at least you got to read an entertaining story..... =D


Bzola said...

No way! I didn't think you would write it! HAHA! That was sooooo funny! I love Nate (In a non-meterosexual kind of way)

Lindsay said...

Of course I wrote it! I thought that was really funny yesterday....ha ha ha ha ha ha. We all love you Nate. No worries. =D

dr.scholl said...

well, what can i say? those things you call battery cables look like an accident waiting to happen.... frankly, i'm too young to die. and what would the world do without me????

Lindsay said...

I don't think the world would know what to do without you Nate. You're our comic relief! Just kidding. Yesterday was and night. =D You guys are awesome!

Bzola said...

Ya, we get that a lot ;)

Lindsay said...

I can't imagine why.... =D

Bzola said...

It was pretty funny today in auto. We were charging a battery in a car and it started the car on fire! So, as a lesson to ya all. Make sure your battery is clean of that gross greenish stuff because it's flammable! So nate, I guess you did kind of have a reason to run away. But not as far as you did. lol

Lindsay said...

Ha ha ha. That's funny. Don't tell Nate that or when he's married and his wife's car dies, she'll be out of luck. He'll be the one running screaming down the highway instead of her. Lol. I'm pretty sure that was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my oh so long life. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey i think that you need to be nice to Nate! you are joking around but you guys are really making fun of Nate. I think you guys need to stop! Nate is my friend and I don't like you guys making fun of him

Dancing Feet said...

I have to ask, Nate did you leave that last comment?