Friday, June 1, 2007

"In your future I see....."

I just got what is possibly the lamest fortune EVER in my fortune cookie.

It reads, "The riches of others makes you more valuable."

Okay, I know it's supposed to be some deep amazing message, but it's LAME!

I think that fortune is second only unto a message my mom got a little while ago. It went something like this, "You will have a cake awaiting you." What is THAT supposed to mean! Ha ha ha!

While deep cleaning my room yesterday I found a fortune I got some time ago that I liked much more. "An admirer is concealing their affection for you." See, that's the kind of fortune people like getting.

I think if I was to write my own fortunes they would go something like this:

"Walk. It's better for you and it will save you money on gas."

"Your knuckles look like elephant knees."

"There's nothing more satisfying than a day full of hard work, except maybe a big bowl of chocolate icecream ate with friends."

"Never say you'd never be a'll end up being your first job."

or even

"Be sure to eat the cookie this came out of. It will do you more good than the fortune in most cases."

Come on, it's not that hard to write better fortunes than the ones I've been getting!


Holly said...

lol you're ingenious. You should write fortunes for fortune cookie companies because I want to get some of those fortunes. j.k.

Anonymous said...

:) I love it! I do have to admit that there are some pretty dumb pointless fortune cookies out there-