Saturday, July 28, 2007


Can I just say how much I hate school shopping? I mean, I've never had a problem with going out occasionally and buying clothes or something, but when you need things (like Jeans) and you can't find some that fit right ANYWHERE, it's frustrating.
Mostly I hate shopping for jeans... why can't companies make jeans in normal sizes? why why WHY? Even jeans in my size don't fit! Jeans in 3 sizes up don't fit right, because apparently it's cool to wear your jeans super super low, and so tight that they should come with a warning against moving in them at all. Forget about sitting down!
Man, I sure miss the good ol' days where you could get normal jeans at pretty much any store, and they fit. Maybe I'll learn how to make jeans some day...I'm sick of trying to buy them in the stores.


FiddleWiz said...

Ha ha! So true!! It's like, a miracle when you can find the PERFECT jeans!! Too bad my favorite pair of jeans is falling apart in all areas... cuz they looked good with ANYTHING I wanted to wear!! Now I have to REALLY act like a girl and start coordinating jeans with shirts and stuff.... gah.

FiddleWiz said...

Okay so I went back-to-school shopping a couple days before school started... after finding a wonderful (but slightly pricey) pair of jeans at Mervyn's and having looked for them forEVER, my mom and I went over to Susie's Deals in Provo just to see what they had that day. I got a pair of WAY cute, comfortable pants for $6. Yah. :) Maybe you should try there next time, you never know what you can find!