Sunday, July 29, 2007

My adventures this weekend

This weekend my grandpa had an army reunion up in Salt lake. Most of these pictures are somehow related to that. :D
This picture is from the 23rd floor of the Wells Fargo building in Salt lake. I couldn't get any closer to the window because it had little white circles all over it to stop too much sun from getting in. (This picture is looking to the West.)
This picture is from the 23rd floor again, but it was out a different window so I could get right up to the window. This is looking East toward the U, primary children's, etc.

This is looking to the North toward Bountiful.
I tried to get a pictures looking east at nighttime, but the shutter speed was so long and I didn't have a tripod or anything, so it was just blurry. Oh well!

I got home late last night, and as I was pulling in mycar I looked up at the moon. It was behind a little patch of clouds, and it was just beautiful. I got out the tripod this time, and took this picture.

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