Saturday, July 14, 2007

"It's a small world..."

This afternoon I got a phone call from my really good friend Bryan. He just got home from EFY, and started out by saying "well, I'm in kind of a predicament." I would have been more than willing to help him in whatever he needed, but it turned out that it really wasn't a bad thing. :) Jordan, his roomate from EFY is here from Michigan, and he's going to be here until Thursday, and he wanted to hang out tonight. He doesn't get the chance to date much back where he lives because of how few LDS people there are, and also how few people there are back there with his same standards. Bryan asked me if I would like to be Jordan's date for the night! (Fine! If you have to twist my arm! Just kidding.) I said I would love to. Not only was I excited to go on a date (duh....I'm a girl...) but Bryan said that the two of them had become really good friends their week together, and I trust Bryan's judgement implicitly. =D I was SO excited. 5:30 rolled around and they came and got me. We went and picked up the other people (who all just happened to be really good friends of mine) and we went to Fazolis' for dinner. It was nummy. (I got a chicken fruit salad....sounds weird, but it was delicious.) We stayed at Fazoli's for a while, talking and laughing and having fun. (I think we scared away lots of peopl. :D Just kidding.) Eventually we left and we went down to Trafalga to miniature golf. I don't think any of us expected to be as bad at it as we all were. :D HA ha ha. I got the highest score. :) I decided that I my own special way. :) Lol. It was really really fun, and even though lots of people got frustrated and either played through us or just skipped the hole we were on, we had a blast. We ended the night with a trip to Cold quote Jordan, "this is just about as good as it gets!"
During one of our many conversations in the car, I found out that Jordan's dad was in Thailand on his mission the same time my mom was in Thailand on hers. When we got back to my house I invited Jordan in, and the second he said his dad's name, my mom knew him! She went down and got her missionary scrapbook and we looked at the pictures of Jordan's dad. It's a small world!
Okay, just think about the odds of this:
Jordan comes here on vacation.
He just happens to go to BYU-I for EFY the same week my friend Bryan does.
They just happen to be roomates.
Bryan just happens to think of me to go on a date with Jordan tonight.
We just happened to start talking about Thai food.
....and come to find out, our parents knew each other 21 years ago in Thailand.


Anyway, I had a wonderful night, and I don't think I've been on a date that fun for a very long time. Jordan was a very nice guy, and tonight was a GREAT way to end a rather mind numbingly boring weekend!


Holly said...

I am amazed at how small the world really is, especially after we figure out that Bro. Heaston taught at the same school as sister Harrington. lol

Noelle said...

That was so much fun. I was so glad you were there too!