Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Why do I work out?

Okay, I love going to the gym. I love working out really hard. Why?

At first, it may seem like I work out because I want to be skinnier, or I want to lose weight or something. Well, that's really not true! I love working out because it makes me feel energetic, good, and happy about myself.

I've heard lots of people make a new years resolution and they say that they are going to "work out every day and lose 20 lbs" or "I'm going to lose 3 dress sizes" etc etc etc. I've noticed that they can be really dilligent for a while, some longer than others, but for the most part they really don't last long. The biggest reason for that, is that they don't make a change in their lifestyle, but they just are trying to lose those holiday pounds.

When I work out I seem to get a rush of dopamine...a natural high. It feels awesome! I feel so good about myself. Even if I am the exact same weight, have the exact same waist measurement, and all that, I feel better about the way I look! I'm not constantly thinking, "Oh my goodness....I need to go to the gym and work all that food off." When I am working out to make myself feel good I don't have to stick to any schedule, and it's a lifestyle. I do it because It makes me feel good and gives me energy, and I will always do it! I don't have to worry about "sticking to my resolution past February" because I know that I will do it for the rest of my life.

1 comment:

Holly said...

Dido girlfriend! Awesome blog!