Monday, January 8, 2007

The Toilet Strikes Back

Today I went into the bathroom to flush a tissue. I was in a hurry because the end of the term is drawing near and I have SO much stuff to do. (Besides that, I have to go to work on Tuesday and Thursday, so that cuts out my valuable time.) I was running out of the bathroom when I had a feeling to look back. I looked back and the water was steadily rising far above where it should have been. I panicked and did everything I could think of to stop the water from flooding over the toilet, but to no avail. By the time the water was done running there was about two inches of water all over the bathroom floor leaking out into the hall. There was a sink and a tub full of things that I was trying to rescue from the water, and my feet were soaking. I was almost crying too. It took me way over an hour to clean everything up, and by the time I finished, it was 5:30 and I hadn't even started my homework for the night.
I was SO stressed out all the sudden! Why do things like this happen to me right during all the majorly stressful times of my life?
I decided that my toilet just hates me and it knew that I had more things to do than I had time and so it decided to overflow over a stupid tissue. Just kidding. I was thinking, and I remembered that this was not the first time that this stupid toilet has overflown for no reason, but the reason that it was such a catastrophic event right now was because I had so many more things on my mind. This was the straw that broke the camel's back....well, my back. (Is referring to myself as a camel a metaphor? Just joking.)
Stressful things are constantly happening in our lives. It's rather convenient when they come one at a time and give us a chance to deal with them without getting stressed ourselves, but unfortunately for me this seldom happens. If I can somehow learn to not let little things stress me out when they all pile on top of me at once then when big things happen I will be able to handle them much easier.
This lovely toilet incident, however, was NOT was I would all a small event, so I decided that I'm allowed to get stressed out once in a while as long as I can deal with it in a timely manner and get on with the plethora of things I have yet to do. As for me, it helped to listen to music on my ipod while I mopped and then to take a break and eat dinner and just not think for a while. It works!
Oh, and next time your toilet overflows, make sure you don't have a stack of toilet paper rolls sitting in the corner of the tends to be slightly problematic. Happy flushing!


Holly said...

Oh lindsay I'm so sorry, I don't know why things seem to happen when we don't have time but maybe it's to teach me that there is always time to do something that has to be done that minute or maybe just to teach me patience I don't know but I totally understand!

collinhead said...

well look on the bright side.. at least you were at your own house.. instead you could be a guest in the house of a very cute member of the opposite sex whom you happen to like quite a bit. such an even can make life very much more stressful, awkward, and every other uncomfortable word you can think of. :)

Lindsay said...

Ha ha ha. Yes Collin, I would imagine it would....knock on wood. (Are you speaking from experience? lol)

collinhead said...

oh dear, yes i am talking from experience. so much very the most embarrassing thing that ever happened. ever.

Lindsay said...

Yes, I can only imagine. That would be fairly tramatic. (Sheesh!)You may have to tell me that story sometime! Lol.