Sunday, August 5, 2007

My Sunday

Today was a WONDERFUL Sabbath, and I thought I'd share some of it with all of you in the form of some pictures I took before and after church.

This is gorgeous.
White Rose of Sharon
Purple Rose of Sharon
Ha ha ha. My uncle Paul was playing around with my camera. :D

Clouds always fascinate me.

Annie Playing in the hose.

Annie, the hose, and the water bottle. Simple, yet somehow and adorable combination.

=D so cute

What a grin.



Sunday has indeed come.

Friday, August 3, 2007

The Master Artist

Hi everybody! You may notice that most of my blogs lately are pictures. As I look at the world around me and realize how beautiful it is, (and how well my camera captures it), I can't help but snapping away every chance I get! The work of the Master Artist never gets boring to look at to me....even during a rainstorm

Even the weed-like flowers that like to grow outside of the flower bed are beautiful.
"Purple Mountains' Majesty"
I was once asked whether I prefered sunrises or sunsets.... I decided that the Lord gave me both so I don't have to pick. :D
This always reminds me of what it must have looked like to the Nephites right before the Savior came.

What a beautiful finish to an amazing rainstorm.

"When the rain begins to fall, remember where the rain falls from..."

I love our mountains...I always miss them when I leave Utah.

It's like the rainstorm washed the skies clean.

Even amidst the hustle and bustle of our day, the Lord has left us constant reminders of Him. He truly is the Master Artist.

This, to me, is the picture of peace at the end of a storm.

Sunday Will Come.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

My adventures this weekend

This weekend my grandpa had an army reunion up in Salt lake. Most of these pictures are somehow related to that. :D
This picture is from the 23rd floor of the Wells Fargo building in Salt lake. I couldn't get any closer to the window because it had little white circles all over it to stop too much sun from getting in. (This picture is looking to the West.)
This picture is from the 23rd floor again, but it was out a different window so I could get right up to the window. This is looking East toward the U, primary children's, etc.

This is looking to the North toward Bountiful.
I tried to get a pictures looking east at nighttime, but the shutter speed was so long and I didn't have a tripod or anything, so it was just blurry. Oh well!

I got home late last night, and as I was pulling in mycar I looked up at the moon. It was behind a little patch of clouds, and it was just beautiful. I got out the tripod this time, and took this picture.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Can I just say how much I hate school shopping? I mean, I've never had a problem with going out occasionally and buying clothes or something, but when you need things (like Jeans) and you can't find some that fit right ANYWHERE, it's frustrating.
Mostly I hate shopping for jeans... why can't companies make jeans in normal sizes? why why WHY? Even jeans in my size don't fit! Jeans in 3 sizes up don't fit right, because apparently it's cool to wear your jeans super super low, and so tight that they should come with a warning against moving in them at all. Forget about sitting down!
Man, I sure miss the good ol' days where you could get normal jeans at pretty much any store, and they fit. Maybe I'll learn how to make jeans some day...I'm sick of trying to buy them in the stores.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Roses and Four o'clocks

I love taking pictures and last night I went out after my dad was done fixing the sprinklers and I noticed how pretty the flowers were with the water on them and the sun setting and stuff. I grabbed my camera and these are the pictures I took!









How to build a fire with wet wood and a dull hatchet

This year at girls camp it was constant blizzard the first few days. I think it was reported to be about 15 degrees not counting wind chill. Everybody was so cold, that in the one and only break we got from the snow, Sister Hutchins (my Laurel leader that is only 21 so we're buds) and I went out and built a fire. Every single piece of wood was wet, we had absolutely no kindling, the matches were all wet, and to top it all off, the hatchet was so dull we couldn't even make kindling with it.

Shannon would wedge the hatchet in the wood as much as possible, and I would stomp on it so that we could pry some wood off to attempt at some kindling.
This was the sad beginnings of our took us an hour to kindle that little bit of wood in the middle there.
We FINALLY got some of the "waterproof" soaking wet matches to light, and there started our "one-match, wet-wood, no-lighter-fluid, middle-of-a-blizzard, take-that-scouts" Fire.
I think this picture is SO cool. (If you couldn't tell, I'm the hand withOUT the wedding ring. :D)

We have Fire Baby.....

It was a lot of work to keep it burning....we kept having to kindle wood for a long time so that the wet wood would dry out enough to stay lit.

Burn baby burn!
I had more hairs singed off my fingers than you can imagine....ha ha ha. It was fun though! We were working so hard we were sweating! It was the first time we were even remotely warm all week!

Really....we were just maintaining the fire.....we weren't fire dancing. :D

More chopping....aka wedging and stomping. I had to be SO careful not to fall in the fire.

This would be one of those times my knuckles got a bit singed. :S

More maintanance....but look at that fire. (I feel like a proud mother... ha ha ha!)


Our fire. It was a virtual inferno it got so hot!

Late that night it was still burning oh so hot... I even invented a little aluminum foil pizza oven that you can see at the bottom of the picture.
Take that scouts!!!!!